Hello everybody, you know without traffic your web site can do nothing. Today i wanna share some effective way to increase your web traffic...
1. Optimize your site. Select phrases that are winners. Ask yourself whether you have significant content that matches the keyword phrases you choose. The rule of thumb is one page of content for each keyword family. For keyword phrases that get a lot of competition, you may need more than a page and even whole sections dedicated to one phrase in order to increase web traffic.
2. Get others to link to your site. Every time a user comes on your site, your search engine ratings improve, and you get a resulting increase in web traffic.
3. Join a WebRing. Find others in your niche and connect with them. You get traffic from their sites, and they will get traffic from yours.
4. List your site in search engines. Use a web directory submission service to get listed in all of the major search engines.
5. Purchase banner ads. Buy banner ads on websites that also target your niche in order to build brand recognition.
6. Join an affiliate marketing program. You can pay others to send traffic your way. You can pay per click, per customer, per lead, or per sale to increase web traffic.
7. Market off-line. Is your URL on your license plate? How about painting it on your car? Buy newspaper and yellow pages ads. Post flyers. Pass out stickers. Sponsor an athletic team. Aggressively spread the word to increase web traffic. Make your URL a household word.
8. Use article marketing. You can get your name out by writing articles
that are relevant to your website and interesting to readers. You will
establish relationships with customers and get the search engines to
find you and increase web traffic.
9. Use chat rooms. Find chat rooms that are relevant to your target niche and become an active
participant. It is time consuming, but your insightful comments will help people will remember you.
10. Give stuff away. Giveaways like logo merchandise, free downloads, coupons, and discounts will help build brand loyalty and get the word out.
11. Give awards to other sites. Launching an awards program and choosing excellent sites as recipients will bring links to your site and build your credibility. If you handle it well, you will be perceived as an expert.
12. Get published on other sites. When you write relevant articles, you will have credibility. Make certain the writer profile has a link to your site.
13. Check your accessibility. Can all browsers find you? What about iPhones and BlackBerrys? Take into account disabled or elderly users by providing large text options and supporting assistive devices.
14. Use contests. Be creative! Funniest dog or funniest cat. Messiest garage. Funny videos. You are only limited by your imagination. Once word gets out, you will increase web traffic.
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1. Optimize your site. Select phrases that are winners. Ask yourself whether you have significant content that matches the keyword phrases you choose. The rule of thumb is one page of content for each keyword family. For keyword phrases that get a lot of competition, you may need more than a page and even whole sections dedicated to one phrase in order to increase web traffic.
2. Get others to link to your site. Every time a user comes on your site, your search engine ratings improve, and you get a resulting increase in web traffic.
3. Join a WebRing. Find others in your niche and connect with them. You get traffic from their sites, and they will get traffic from yours.
4. List your site in search engines. Use a web directory submission service to get listed in all of the major search engines.
5. Purchase banner ads. Buy banner ads on websites that also target your niche in order to build brand recognition.
6. Join an affiliate marketing program. You can pay others to send traffic your way. You can pay per click, per customer, per lead, or per sale to increase web traffic.
7. Market off-line. Is your URL on your license plate? How about painting it on your car? Buy newspaper and yellow pages ads. Post flyers. Pass out stickers. Sponsor an athletic team. Aggressively spread the word to increase web traffic. Make your URL a household word.
9. Use chat rooms. Find chat rooms that are relevant to your target niche and become an active
participant. It is time consuming, but your insightful comments will help people will remember you.
10. Give stuff away. Giveaways like logo merchandise, free downloads, coupons, and discounts will help build brand loyalty and get the word out.
11. Give awards to other sites. Launching an awards program and choosing excellent sites as recipients will bring links to your site and build your credibility. If you handle it well, you will be perceived as an expert.
12. Get published on other sites. When you write relevant articles, you will have credibility. Make certain the writer profile has a link to your site.
13. Check your accessibility. Can all browsers find you? What about iPhones and BlackBerrys? Take into account disabled or elderly users by providing large text options and supporting assistive devices.
14. Use contests. Be creative! Funniest dog or funniest cat. Messiest garage. Funny videos. You are only limited by your imagination. Once word gets out, you will increase web traffic.